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Work 04

Semestri Veneziani

Support and direction of "study trips to Venice" by education and training institutions from all over the world


Venice Urban Lab offers a support network for the organization of periodic workshop stays or summer schools by architecture schools, other schools and cultural organizations in Venice.


There are many schools and organizations from many European countries and the rest of the world who have been visiting Venice for a long time and have an interest in working on Venice for its extraordinary urban and architectural structure on the theme of urban design but also on the theme of art, right, of the food supply chain. We want to ensure that study stays become an experience of life in the city through direct encounters with citizens and through local coaches who facilitate understanding and knowledge of Venetian values and life. On an educational and research level, Venice Urban Lab, in addition to organizing logistical and documentary support, proposes itself as a connector of these initiatives with the requests of citizens and the transformative needs of the city, so that the experiences not only have an academic value but channel the planning energies on shared needs, in a coherent and concrete framework useful to the city.


Venice Urban Lab also intends to collect and preserve the results of these workshops in order to build over time an archive where all the intellectual and creative energy involved in the city can become a repository of knowledge and ideas that can circulate with the other schools in the city and its citizens.

Do you have any suggestions?

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