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New European Bauhaus
Professional refresher training program NEB_TOGETHER MODULE 3

NEB III module.jpg

2.15pm Participant registration
2.30pm Introduction to the topics of sensory disabilities in the classroom
Arch. Consuelo Agnesi CERPA member, sensory disability expert,
Laura Borghero ANIOMAP Orientation and Mobility Instructor

3.00pm Experiential walk with reference to the different forms of disability
Arch. Lucia Baracco Lettura Facilatata onlus, Laura Borghero ANIOMAP Orientation and Mobility Instructor,
Arch. Consuelo Agnesi CERPA member, sensory disability expert,
Arch. Stefano Maurizio, freelance expert in Universal design

4.45pm Debate and discussion
5.00pm Greetings to the participants

Moderator : Arch. Franco Gazzarri



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